I've seen so many different Facebook posts and
blog posts about everyone's OPINION about the book industry.
To have a model or not...
Indie or published...
ARCs or No ARCs...
Honesty, disgrace, blah blah blah freakin'
I really don't get being a "PISSY POLY
PANTS" about what others are doing. Does it really hurt anyone if a
model is at a signing or on a cover? If you don't like...then don't buy it or
don't stop. If you love it then by all means GOBBLE that shit up.
I have my fair share of hunky men on my covers,
gorgeous couples, and even a set of FEET! I've been to a signing with my best
friends from my hometown, one with my husband and his cousin and her wife, and
some with my models.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Do what makes you happy and
leave your "JUDGY PANTS" hung up in your "Judgmental Judy"
I do have future plans to put a cereal box on a
book cover and yes the cereal will be traveling with me to signings. I even
have plans to take the cereal out of the box exposing it. *gasp* Naked Cereal -
coming to a city near you in 2016...just saying watch the "FUCK" out
I'm not here to preach or shout how DISGRACEFUL
everyone else is because the truth is I don't care. We each have our own
stories and tell them our on way. Stay in your own stories and QUIT trying to
edit everyone else's. Who cares what your neighbor is doing? Is your branding
on it or is it just jealousy rearing its ugly head?...Uh oh, got a little
Here's my final message...
First off…
so get over yourself and enjoy life!
Common Sense
Use It
Don't immerse yourself in the shit you don't like! Simple
Go join your OWN tribe!
Stop with all the DRAMA & PITY POSTS
Just saying...
Judging & picking at others is just...
Now to the good stuff
Love where you're at in life. It's much sweeter than trying to be
the cool kid in class and faking your way!
"My Way"
Blaze your own trail and don't let anyone stop you.
Kick life in the meat curtain!
Normal is boring, but just a warning being unique will bring out
the criticism.
Wear that shit like you'd wear diamonds!
No truer words
Walk the walk
Talk the talk
Eat cake and be
So, do what you want whether it meets the standards of others.
It's your story and should be written your way.
And when someone has a problem with it tell them to go stick their
dick in a meat grinder and carry on!
How's it go???
Dress Up
Show Up
And Never Give Up
or some shit like that!
Pack your mascara and vodka, hoochies!
Models, Stock Photos, Cereal Boxes, 1 Star Reviews, Haters, Carrot
Cake (eeewwww), Author Takeovers, 99 Cent Release, First Person, Being Democrat
(wait you should care about that), Cover Reveals, Ponies.
You get the point!
When this happens everything else is just noise. Poisonous noise
that only wants one thing...
Drown out the noise.
Be You.
Do Epic Shit.
-HJ Bellus-
#hjb #teamhjb #readhjb #nfg
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