Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Happy Tuesday!

How are all of you today?  I was BLOWN away with your responses on naming a character!  You readers ROCK!

It was SUPER HARD to decide and even had to drag the family in to vote.  I'm going with......

Cybill from Cybill Richey!!!  Congrats...please email me to claim your prize!


I want to spend a few minutes talking about the FIRST book I ever wrote! It's still one of my all time favorites. Milly, the main character, is a mouthy, strong-willed woman who is delving into a new journey. Make sure you check it out & let me know what you think!

"My journey...My Way."
And guess what? It's available for #FREE to all #KindleUnlimited subscribers! 
PURCHASE HERE➝http://amzn.to/1NjaKpk
Whose parents abandon them in a trashy trailer when they are five years old? Oh Yeah! Mine do!
Hey Hoochies! I'm Milly, and I am tired of taking kicks to the gut. A broken family, an asshole husband and the loss of loved ones have left me crying Uncle, and declaring a serious case of the Fuck-Its!
I had my heart broken, stomped on and shattered before I ever started on my journey to find my little piece of happiness. With a bucket list, a '66 Ford and wild dreams, I set out on an adventure that changed my life forever.
I found Cree…
A pirate with a little princess and they swept me off my ever lovin' feet, filling my world with sprinkles, mac n’ cheese and the courage to live again.
They forced my fragile heart to trust and love without fear.
But the truth is, nobody’s past stays hidden forever. It’s an invisible monster waiting to attack and destroy. It has the capability to ruin everything you’ve worked to set right.
All it takes is one final blow to the gut to end everything…

(At Time of Posting...Grab yours NOW!)

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